Hollywood War Stories
Tips and Techniques to have a lasting career in entertainment.
by Rick Friedberg

The Book
Hollywood War Stories:
How to Survive in the Trenches
Is a funny, enlightening, insider’s view of “Showbiz,” filled with anecdotal “War Stories” of working with Academy-award winning talent.
Each short chapter explains a rule to follow like Good Ideas Don’t Just Fall Off a Turnip Truck, Humility is a Highly Over-rated Virtue, Book Your Next Job before the Star or Studio Exec Croaks and many more.
Laugh and learn from this contemporary guide to the showbiz roller coaster ride.

About Rick Friedberg
Rick Friedberg is an award-winning writer/director of movies, television, videos, and commercials. And now he has written Hollywood War Stories, a funny and insightful book with tips and secrets on surviving the entertainment business.

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